Friday, August 10, 2012

Truly, These Are God's Chosen People!

When AIDS first started to run rampant through the straight community so many years ago, a bunch of ultra religious groups started to raise the hue and cry that AIDS was a plague foisted by God onto the world because we were too tolerant of the Gay lifestyle.

If you cotton to such arguments, then you have to also acknowledge that one group of society has remained almost unscathed by the curse that is AIDS. That group are committed lesbians. Ergo, if you believe that AIDS is a punishing plague foisted on us by the Almighty, then it only follows that Lesbians must be God's chosen people.

Needless to say, Lesbian Partners have a lot of good things going for them.
To offer a few examples:
- They never have to pick up for each other
- They can totally focus on their careers without worrying about planning for child bearing and children
- They never have to watch action movies
- The remote control on the TV is seldom used because nobody plays channel roulette
- The toilet is always left in the correct position – DOWN!
- No toilet splatter
- Both are experts on sexually satisfying a female
- They can always bring their partner to multiple orgasms

Kind of a warped viewpoint, but obviously valid!

If you are a lesbian seeking a woman, then consider the following link:  lesbian looking for a woman dating site

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