Friday, July 20, 2012

Hidden Dangers of Popular Date Ideas

Did you know that the first few dates with someone new are the most critical? Most people understand this, but some do not. You want to be yourself, but you also want to appear like you’ve got things together. Complicating this phase of the relationship is the fact that most of the popular and safe first dating type places have some hidden traps that are easy to fall into. To help you all out, I’ve outlined a few potential problems that can arise during some common dates. Now if they do happen, you’ll be prepared and ready so you look like a together sort of person. Let’s begin.

Putting Parks

At first, this might seem like a safe date idea. What could go wrong? You’ve got an easy evening of walking through a few mini putt holes, right? Wrong! Even this cozy environment can have its dangers.

Make sure you leave your competitive instincts at home. Most women avoid competition with a man. They are always competing with other women, but do not like competing with men at all! Ensure that you up the fun quotient a lot! If you get too hung up on who wins, it’ll just get ugly in a hurry, especially if your date wins. Better to appear to be a good sport no matter who is victorious.  And before you go making any “ball” or “in the hole” jokes, make sure your date is the sort who would appreciate them.

Frisbee Tossing

Throwing Frisbees with your new love when on a picnic can be a lot of fun. There are some things you have to remember though. If your paramour is not that adept at catching Frisbees, you can embarrass her. Make sure that you lob in some easy ones to start to assess her skill level. If she can handle it then you can increase the intensity a bit. Just make sure that you never toss it so hard that you run the risk of breaking a nose if she misses it. That will definitely put a damper on the rest of the day's entertainment!

On another note, stay away from windy locations like the beach so you do not lose control of it. If you spill someone's drink, or spill sand in their food with an errant Frisbee toss, you could have a potentially nasty confrontation on your hands It is a much better choice to pick a secluded clearing in a park or in some wilderness area for such activity. On top of that,  even though there are hot beach bunnies for you to look at, the beach is also full of eye candy for your honey to admire. Who needs distractions like that. Better to pick a venue where both of you can focus on each other.

A Movie Date

Going to the show on a date is enjoyable for a few reasons. The right selection of movie and snacks will put your girl in a relaxed and erotic mood. Plus, you don’t have to maintain a conversation during the film, and after the film, you can talk about the movie. However, there are some things to keep aware of.

Likely the first surprise for you might be the price. Make sure you have at least a lot of dollars in your pocket, because you will likely have spent most of that between admission and snacks. IMAX is even more expensive than a regular movie.

The choice of movie is your second most important factor. Make sure you reserve your tickets online or by phone. Also, make sure that it does not have some hot leading man doffing his clothes (or at least baring his chest). You will  be unlikely to score well that evening if she is still fixating on the washboard abs and rippling muscles of some Hollywood hunk.

Romantic movies are the best choice to turn her on. Fun romantic movies can work as well. Avoid depressing film noir type of shows. Way too depressing and that will lead to a no-nooky evening!

Music Concert

Make sure that you treat her to music that she likes! It’s no good taking her to see a reggae show if that’s what you’re into, but she’s not. Cater to her tastes. Always remember that you are her security. If there’s moshing, or rowdy drunks, you have to be her protection. Wear steel-toed boots if it’s a thrash metal show, just to be safe.

Secondly, you have to remember that after a loud show, both you and she will be partially deaf. So make sure what you think she said is, in fact, what she said. You don’t want to assume she said “I want sex” if she said “separate checks”.

Plus, remember that after a crowded show, you’re going to be sweaty. Bring some deodorant in the glove box to deal with your smell.

Midway Rides

Taking your honey to an amusement park would appear to be a no-brainer fun time. The best rides of course are the ones where she grabs you, either in fear, or just to keep from falling. It is a great venue for fun rides, challenging games, and eating sweet treats and street meat. Plus, if you win her a stuffed animal, she’ll have a sweet reminder of your fun time together. Never brag you to your girl that you will win her a stuffed toy. Carnival operators have the games rigged significantly in their favor, so it is much cheaper to buy her one at WalMart. It is a lot of fun to try, but no promises. Besides going broke, too much time spent on one activity that only you are doing is no fun and liable to put a damper on the rest of your evening.

Be wary of the food as well. The food may taste good at the time, but eat sparingly. Who knows how sanitary the facilities are that produced it. If you are not careful, you will end up with a re-enactment of the pie eating contest in the movie "Stand By Me". Not a great ending to an evening, but guaranteed to be an evening ender if it happens.

One last thing. Many rides take pictures of you at the scariest point. Figure out where that is before you get on the ride and try to look nonchalant at that point. After all, you may want to by the picture later.

Arcade Date

Even if your date is not into gaming, the both of you can still have fun with it. But watch out. She may just kick your butt and embarrass you. So that means you cannot brag before hand about how great you are. Besides, losing is okay. It gives you the perfect excuse to take her back there some other day for a re-match.

The Starbucks Date

The perfect first date venue can also have its own dangers. If the date is going well, there is a good chance that you will linger over several cups of Joe. As the caffeine builds, you will get the jitters, become a motor mouth, and in general start to turn her off! Have a cup of warm water with lemon in between cups of coffee. It’ll dilute the caffeine, and make you look chic.

Well that is about all I can think of for those classic dates. If there is a date I missed, the trick is just to think ahead. Go through the whole date in your mind, and anticipate what could go wrong. Have solutions ready to go if the worst does happen. You’ll look like you’re a together sort of fellow, and that can only help your chances at getting her to actually say “I want sex”, and not “separate checks”.

For other relationship advice,  you should take a look here as well:
Advice For Men When Dating

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