Friday, April 27, 2012

Wearing Just a Bra and Panties Can Be A Turnoff

Where to begin?

A two year relationship I was in had just ended. I was still in the, “I don't know what I want to do yet” stage of introspection. In any event, I got a call from my brother. He said that his girlfriend was pressuring him to fix me up with her brother. He wondered if I could do him a favor and go out with the guy just to get her off his back. Reluctant as I was to do this, he twisted my arm a bit. His reasoning was that it was only one night and there was no commitment required on my part to have a second date. He made is sound like his girlfriend would really be pissed at him if I did not go, so I found myself agreeing. He told me he would call back with the time, but he seemed compelled to caution me to play nice and not be bitchy with my date. I told him that I was always a lady, just that some guys did not deserve that I act much like a lady. As long as he behaved himself, so would I. Later that night he emailed me this guys photo,”WOW” he was gorgeous! So what was wrong with him?

We talked on the phone and decided to meet at a local chain restaurant not far from me. As I walked in, he stood up and signalled me over to our table. It was nice that he had came early enough to arrange for that ahead of time. At least he was considerate. I knew it was him from the photo I had seen but he looked even better in person. As I walked up to the table, we mutually introduced ourselves, and then sat down and talked a bit while studying the menus that were already on the table. 

When the waiter came over to take our order, we both settled on roast chicken. We had wine with dinner and lingered over it afterwards. We talked for hours. He was funny and it was a pleasant evening. I don't think I've ever had so much fun on a first date in all my life. This guy was amazing and we had so much in common it was uncanny. When our sojourn came to an end, he offered to drive me home. On the way he asked if he could take me out again the next night. Needless to say, I accepted. If he had not asked me I was going to ask him, regardless of proper protocol!

 After we had been getting very tight for a couple of weeks, he asked me to spend the weekend at his cottage. I jumped at it. Everything had been going so good, I was totally ready to take this to another level. This would be a solid step in that direction. He picked me up at 6am, we stopped off at a little restaurant along the way for breakfast then headed on our way. I could not get over the vistas as we traveled. A rolling landscape changed to mountains with green coniferous trees and deep blue lakes. We got to a small cottage on a shore of a modest sized lake. It was cozy and picturesque. Everything was better than I had hoped. It had a large fireplace that heated the whole cabin, as well as the one bedroom.

 That night was like heaven because he was a genius in bed.  He was like the EverReady bunny and just kept going, and going, and going. I guess that made me the anti-bunny because I just kept cumming and cumming and cumming.  I have never been made love to like that before. Later on as we snuggled up and settled down for the night, it seemed like I had just drifted off when it was time to get up. I awoke to brilliant sunlight streaming through the windows.

And then the axe fell! I knew there had to be something about this guy. He was just too perfect. As I came fully awake, I noticed he was not beside me. As I turned around there he was. There he stood in his altogether, except for my bra and panties. He had put on my eye liner and lipstick as well. As I stared, he informed me that he liked to cross dress once in a while, and asked me if it turned me on. I informed him that it didn't and he had better give my stuff back.

After chasing him around the cabin for twenty minutes trying to get my panties back, I decided that was it. This guy was just too weird for me! After packing, we had a very quiet three hour drive back. It seemed to take forever.When I got in the door, the first thing I did was to through out the bra and panties that he had sullied and then I took a long hot shower in an effort to purge my soul of him.

Why does this stuff always happen to me? Just when I thought everything was going great, I get my emotions stomped on!

I was depressed for quite a while, and then decided to take matters into my own hands to turn things around. Rather than rely on friends for dates, I joined an online dating site. I went out with a variety of guys before finding one that I gelled with. I am going steady with a guy who may not be the Greek god of male beauty, but he is funny and reliable. I am head over heels in love with him. And guess what? He does not wear my clothes!

If your interested in finding a great guy like I did just follow the link below

Dating For Adults

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