Saturday, September 10, 2011

Setting Up A Hot Date For the Single Dad

As the year advances, most women are now into the mode of thinking about parents. Not so much mothers this time, but fathers.

In the majority of cases, you have already done your own mothers day or father's day purchases, but is there something more that you can do? 

Lets look outside of your immediate family and broaden your sights to include your immediate circle of friends.

Do you know a really great single father who would love to be with a woman, but just does not seem to have the time to follow through? Almost every woman has at least one. Someone that is only a friend, but is truly a great guy and would be a stellar husband for some lucky female.

So are you getting excited about trying your hand at matchmaking yet?

Darn – you do not actually know anyone that you can set him up with.

So what about this as the ideal alternative approach?

A situation where he can select the next person to go out with!
A gift that gives him an opportunity to communicate with lots of women who may want to be a mother to his children!
A gift that helps him seek company by communicating with women who are not the paid telephone chat-line bimbos that you see in TV advertising!

The answer is as simple as signing him up for an online dating site.

Unfortunately, most men really suck at communicating and expressing their wishes.  They are also not good at letting the great person that they really are show publicly.

Enter you!

The best present for your single father friend would be to purchase him a membership to an online dating site.  To add a personal touch, you create the account for them. Set up the profile, select a few of those great pictures that you have of him enjoying himself with friends, and then write up profile text that would make any woman dash out the door in her hurry to meet this guy.

It takes a woman to understand the needs of, and reach the heart of another woman after all.

Do your friend a favor.

Spend a few bucks, and a few minutes to set him up with the gift of a lifetime. Help him find a new life partner.

It is truly the ultimate gift!

For a great place to start, check out this link for ideas of the best online dating sites to select from:

Online Dating Sites

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